Dr Eamonn McConnon
Eamonn received his PhD in 2015 from the School of Law and Government, Dublin City University for the thesis entitled. The security-development nexus as risk management: a multiple-donor case study of the coordination of security and development in US, UK and Canadian policy. Eamonn has a BA in Archaeology and Sociology from University College Dublin and an MA in International Security and Conflict Studies in Dublin City University. He currently works at the International Institute for Conflict Resolution and Reconstruction (IICRR), DCU as a Postdoctoral Coordinator on PESTUGE. Eamonn has experience of working as a research assistant on a number of projects on a range of topics including the role of women in the Northern Ireland peace process and collaborative governance in urban environments. He has also lectured at both undergraduate and postgraduate level on the areas of International Security, Development, Politics and Development in Africa. His research interests are: the merging of development and security; the use of development aid for conflict prevention and resolution; failed states; migration and the security-development nexus; and security and development in Africa.
His publications include:
McConnon, Eamonn (2014) ‘Security for all, Development for Some? The Incorporation of security in UK Development Policy.’ Journal of International Development, 26(8): 1127-1148.
McConnon, Eamonn (2014) ‘Fighting Poverty to Fight Terrorism: Security in DfID’s Development Policy During the War on Terror’ Forum for Development Studies, 41(1): 135-157.