Prof Giorgi Gvalia
Prof Giorgi Gvalia is a Dean of School of Arts and Sciences and a professor at Ilia State University. He holds a PhD from Ilia Sate University and an MA in International Relations from Tbilisi State University. At various times he has held academic, managerial and analyst positions at national, international and non-governmental organisations, as well as at higher education institutions. Prof Gvalia has participated in numerous international scientific programmes, conferences, and summer schools and is a recipient of several academic fellowships in his area. His academic and professional interest encompasses political transformation, democratisation, foreign policy and peacebuilding. His publications are:
1. Giorgi Gvalia, David Siroky, Bidzina Lebanidze, Zurab Iashvili ‘Thinking Outside the Bloc: Explaining the Foreign Policies of Small States’, Security Studies, Vol 22, Issue 1. 2013, pp. 98-131
2. Giorgi Gvalia, Bidzina Lebanidze, Zurab Iashvili, Political Elites, Ideas and Foreign Policy: Explaining and Understanding the International Behavior of Small States in the Former Soviet Union, (Ilia State University Press, 2011)
3. Gvalia Giorgi, ‘The Future of US-China Relations: Conflict or Cooperation?’, Rustaveli Foundation Journal, Number 2 , December 2009.
4. Gvalia, Giorgi, ‘Security Environment and Democracy: Case of Georgia’, Ilia State University, Conference Paper, Conference on ‘Democratization in the South Caucasus’, February 10, 2010 (in Georgian)
5. Gvalia Giorgi, ‘International Relations and Great Debates’, Rustaveli Foundation Journal, Number 1, July 2009
6. Gvalia, Giorgi, Balance of Power or Balance of Threat? Alignments in the South Caucasus (BTKK-Politics Research Group. 2008.)
7. Gvalia Giorgi, ‘Kosovo Unique, Not Universal’, Georgian Daily, March 2008.
8. Гвалиа Георгий, Торговля ядерными веществами: новый вызов международной безопасности, Право и Политология №1(2). 2008
9. Gvalia Giorgi, ‘NATO-Intensified Dialogue’, GSAC, 2007.